You don't have to play golf to love Putt Putt mini golf, it's a fun experience for all with the fantastically fun courses in the beautiful levels of: Fantasy Lane, Roman Road, Arctic Lands, Pirate Paradise and Jungle fever. I LOVED this story! It was my favorite one in a long, Post comments on "The People's Republic of the Edelweiss Village Putt - Putt Golf Course" by M.KPost comments on "The People's Republic of the Edelweiss Village Putt-Putt Golf Course" by M.K Hobson here.This was a very cute, funny, and amusing story. If it's on the putting surface, it's a putt, If I use my putter on a ball that is on the fringe, is that considered a putt ? I say no because I feel that to be a putt you have to hit it from on the green A putt is a putt if you putt when you putt. OKAY NO MESSING BOUT NOW! 28TH March 2010 at Mermaid Beach putt putt complex time: yatala BP by 9.30am departing 9.40 arrive between 10.15 10.30am for automatic TH March 2010 at Mermaid Beach putt,putt complex time: yatala BP by 9.30am departing 9.40 arriveto get out of the office for that day. What I'd give for my little children again!! Putt - putt for little If anyone is looking for a "reasonable" place to play putt - putt while in Gatlinburg, try goingwas nice!! bigorange, did you try any of the packages? No, we just played one round of putt,putt. Perhaps, if you would tell the general age, someone could direct you better. What seem to be the best ones?I don't know the answer, but I do know that there are those that seem to be more for the young child, and those that are designed more for the adult. There is one in the back of the Crossords Shoping center off Nothing too difficult There are a couple on site, one is atached ot Bilzzar Beach. HonoluluĬan you recommend any fun Putt - putt places in the Orlando/Disney area? I will have my girls (ages 1Can you recommend any fun Putt-putt places in the Orlando/Disney area? I will have my girls (ages 1 and 3). Hasmaybe it will help if we clarify that " putt - putt " is the same as "crazy golf" :) come on people, someoneon the 192 I have seen this type of mini golf (ie putt - putt -) in several holiday places. I have read about a place that has glow in the dark putt,putt at Festival Bay shopping area. We took our kids to the one that has the huge ride that swings back and forth Whats the best go karting place and putt,putt in the area? we would like to try some new ones whilewhats the best go karting place and putt putt in the area? we would like to try some new ones while were down there?Hi NDfan8907, I'm not sure about the go karts. Drove it this morning, it was fine for about Did you unlock your hubs Quote: : Did you unlock your hubs X2.could be drivetrain bindup relieving itself. We drove it home about 15 miles without any indications of a problem. Realizing that it was my ride home, I did not wheel it very hard. Is there Putt,Putt Golf in Cancun?to the public, but at the hotel I am going to be staying at (the royal solaris) it list a putt,putt Is there Putt Putt Golf in Cancun?įriday I went wheeling.